If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I bet that the World’s Largest Apple in Winchester, Virginia would send a whole lot of doctors running in the opposite direction.
I mean, this is one GIANT piece of fruit! (It’s so big, you could use it to make a whole lot of Caramel Apple Snack Mix for your fall road trip!)

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book
Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.
This hardcore roadside attraction sits outside an antebellum mansion (a neoclassical “prewar” mansion with an architectural style characteristic of the 19th-century Southern United States) used by Civil War General Phil Sheridan.
It’s huge, it’s red, it hopefully doesn’t contain the world’s largest worm (hopefully!), and, with the recommended four servings of fruit per day, it would satisfy your nutritional needs for months, if not years.
How a-PEEL-ing is that?!?!
Winchester, Virginia claims to be the “apple capital of the world,” and with good reason — 12 million bushels are harvested there each year. To celebrate their accomplishment, Winchester has hosted the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival since 1924. The festival features parades, parties, a carnival and the crowning of the Apple Blossom Queen. So it’s only fitting for the town to have a big apple to welcome visitors!
Check out these photos of the World’s Largest Apple in Winchester, Virginia:

That’s one big piece of fruit!

How do ya like them apples?

Besides this oddity, other Winchester attractions include more than 20 other apples scattered around town, each made from various materials with differing themes, made by citizens in 2005.
So, doctors beware! You might have fewer and fewer people to see if your patients stop by Winchester, Virginia. You might want to get to the core of it and visit this Virginia roadside attraction, the largest apple in the world, for yourself!
The World’s Largest Apple
Location: N. Braddock St., Winchester, VA
Hours: Visible at all times.
Cost: Free to see.
Date: August 29, 2010
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Taking a road trip and looking for other Virginia Roadside Attractions and attractions near Winchester, VA? Check out the Big Pencil in Wytheville, a giant roller skate in Bealeton, and Foamhenge, a replica of Stonehenge made of foam.