Giant Lincoln on the World’s Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois

You knew Abraham Lincoln was tall, but did you know he was this tall? Welcome to the world’s largest covered wagon driven by one giant Lincoln.

In this Illinois roadside attraction,  a 350-pound, 12-foot tall statue of Abraham Lincoln reads a law book while sitting upon the world’s largest covered wagon in the only town in the United States named for and by Abraham Lincoln before he became president: Lincoln, Illinois.

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

The Railsplitter Covered Wagon and giant Lincoln statue is 40-feet long, 12-feet wide and 25-feet tall. The big wagon is made of oak and steel and weighs five tons. It is officially recognized as being the world’s largest by the Guinness Book of World Records.

This Route 66 tourist attraction was built in 2001 by local David Bentley. Originally kept on his own property on Pawnew. Larry Van Bibber bought the Railsplitter Covered Wagon in 2007 and placed it for all to see in Lincoln Illinois. It holds the official Guinness World Record for World’s Largest Covered Wagon.

The Abraham Lincoln sitting statue was added later, and built by F.A.S.T. Corporation in Sparta, Wisconsin. The president wears his signature beard, black suit, and black stovepipe hat and is posed to be reading a big red book inscribed with the word “LAW.”

The Lincoln wagon was damaged in a storm in January 2014, but has since been repaired to its original glory.

Visit this roadside attraction on Route 66. But you might want to take a car.

Looking for more Abraham Lincoln roadside attractions? Check out the railsplitter statue, the Lincoln watermelon monument, Lincoln’s lucky nose, and the world’s tallest Abraham Lincoln statue!

If you’re looking for the world’s largest regular wagon, check out this one on Elmwood Park, Illinois and don’t confuse this with that other “World’s Largest Covered Wagon,” the mimetic architecture/novelty building in Milford, Nebraska.

Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction
Giant Abraham Lincoln statue on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction

World’s Largest Covered Wagon, 2007

Lincoln on the World's Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln, Illinois
Photos of the life-sized Abraham Lincoln riding on the World's Largest Covered Wagon - a weird roadside attraction in Lincoln, Illinois. See this place to visit in Illinois on your Route 66 road trip through Illinois. A must see roadside attraction to add to your travel itinerary and bucket lists.
#IllinoisRoadsideAttractions #IllinoisRoadsideAttraction #RoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttraction #RoadTrip #IllinoisRoadTrip #Route66 #IllinoisRoute66 #IllinoisRoadTripItinerary

Abraham Lincoln on the World’s Largest Covered Wagon

Location: 1750 5th St, Lincoln, IL 62656 (In front of the Best Western Lincoln Inn, near the corner of 5th Street and Lincoln Parkway/Historic Route 66)
Cost: Free to see.
Hours: Visible at all hours.
Date: July 15, 2007

Pin this Illinois Route 66 roadside attraction:

Photos of the life-sized Abraham Lincoln riding on the World's Largest Covered Wagon - a weird roadside attraction in Lincoln, Illinois. See this place to visit in Illinois on your Route 66 road trip through Illinois. A must see roadside attraction to add to your travel itinerary and bucket lists. #RoadTrips #RoadTripStop #Route66 #Route66RoadTrip #IllinoisRoute66 #Illinois #IllinoisRoadTrip #IllinoisRoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttraction #RoadsideAmerica #RoadTrip
Photos of the life-sized Abraham Lincoln riding on the World's Largest Covered Wagon - a weird roadside attraction in Lincoln, Illinois. See this place to visit in Illinois on your Route 66 road trip through Illinois. A must see roadside attraction to add to your travel itinerary and bucket lists. #RoadTrips #RoadTripStop #Route66 #Route66RoadTrip #IllinoisRoute66 #Illinois #IllinoisRoadTrip #IllinoisRoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttraction #RoadsideAmerica #RoadTrip

Valerie Bromann

Founder & ROad Trip Expert

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book, she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

Follow Valerie & Silly America

Last modified: January 1, 2022
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The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.