The license plate game, road sign bingo, travel mad libs, and more! Fun road trip games are necessary to beat the boredom on long car rides. Games to play in the car are a great distraction for kids, adults, and passengers of all ages to pass the time in between chomping on roadside hamburgers, overnight motel stays, hiking National Parks, and seeking out world’s largest roadside attractions.
Browse our recommendations for fun car games to play on your next road trip and find free printable road trip games for adults and kids below.
Looking for even more ideas for road trip games to play in the car? Check out these lists of:
- 25 Best Road Trip Games for Two
- 55 Road Trip Games for Adults
- Games to Play in a Hotel
- The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book
- Road Trip Games to Play in the Car with Family or Friends
- Road Trip Bingo Car Game
- The License Plate Game
- License Plate Road Trip Game
- State License Plate Checklist
- Canadian License Plate Game
- License Plate Travel Bingo Set
- License Plate Travel Bingo
- Highway Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
- Free Road Trip Scavenger Hunt Printable Game Sheet
- Road Trip Scavenger Hunt for Adults
- Hey Cow! Road Trip Game
- Road Trip Mad Libs
- I Spy Road Trip Game
- Car Game Questions and Answers
- Would You Rather?
- Pin this post about Road Trip Games to Play in the Car to save for your next road trip!
Road Trip Games to Play in the Car with Family or Friends
Road Trip Bingo Car Game
Road Sign Bingo is a truly classic road trip car game! There are so many variations of this car ride bingo game to choose from. You can play classic BINGO and see who gets a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally first. Or for longer drives you can see who can spot signs the quickest and fill up their entire card first!
Free Printable Road Trip Bingo Cards
Get your free printable road trip bingo cards here! There are four different cards to play on. Just print them off, distribute to passengers, and have everyone look for the road signs as you drive! Click on the thumbnails below to download the four different Road Sign Bingo cards.
Each card will open in a separate window as PDFs.

Road Sign Bingo Printable Checklist
This printable road sign checklist lists some of the most common road signs you’ll see on your road trip: stop signs, railroad crossing signs, men at work signs, and more. Print out copies for everyone in the car and keep an eye out to see who can spot the most signs!
More Car Bingo Cards for Adults and Kids
Don’t have a printer, don’t want to do it yourself, or just want sturdy car ride games that will last for car trip after car trip? Check out these ready-made car bingo games for adults and kids.
Interstate Highway Travel Bingo Set
This set of four reusable cards have shutter slides so you can click them closed whenever you see one of the road signs or other popular things to see on a road a trip!
Road Trip Bingo Boards
This travel-friendly board set offers different patterns so everyone in the car has a chance to win!
The License Plate Game
Watch out your window and try to spot as many different state license plates as you can with a license plate game! Who will spot the most states? Will anyone spot the most rare and coveted states like Hawaii or Alaska? Test your eyes and luck while on the road!
License Plate Game Free Printable PDF
See who can spot them all (or at least the most) first! Print this free printable license plate game sheet that lists all 50 states (plus Washington D.C.) and check them off as you see them. Remember, only one person can claim each plate, so think fast!
Click on the thumbnail to download the License Plate Game card.
It will open in a separate window as a PDF.
License Plate Road Trip Game
Download this free state license plate game printable PDF. This visual road trip design features labeled state license plates to circle as you see them.Print a copy for everyone in the car!

State License Plate Checklist
This 50 state license plate checklist has checkboxes so you can check off each state. Be sure to download one copy for everyone in the car!
Canadian License Plate Game
This Canadian printable of the popular road trip game allows you to track Canadian license plates from the provinces and territories. Download this for your road trip through Canada!
More License Plate Game Sets
Don’t have a printer, don’t want to do it yourself, or just want fun games to play in the car that will last for car trip after car trip? Check out these ready-made License Plate Game sets.
License Plate Travel Bingo Set
Turn the license plate game into a game of road trip bingo! This set of four reusable cards have shutter slides so you can click them closed whenever you see a plate from one of the listed states.
License Plate Travel Bingo
Hold the card in your lap and slide the window closed when you spot one of the states. Comes with two cards featuring different states — so it is anyone’s game!
Highway Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
Road trip scavenger hunts are another fun way to keep everyone in the car engaged! Print off a list of things to see on a road trip, have everyone in the car keep a copy out and keep their eyes peeled. Award points for who sees the most scavenger hunt items and who sees what first.
Free Road Trip Scavenger Hunt Printable PDF
Be on the lookout for some iconic road trip sites. See who can spot them all and who can see them first!
Click on the thumbnail to download the road trip scavenger hunt game card. It will open in a separate window as a PDF.

Free Road Trip Scavenger Hunt Printable Game Sheet
Print a copy of this worksheet for everyone in the car to play a Road Trip Scavenger Hunt. Which of these commonly found items can you find?

Road Trip Scavenger Hunt for Adults
If you need road trip scavenger hunt ideas for adults, think of some harder to find things or things that wouldn’t be as fun for kids. Treat the game more like a selfie challenge and see who can get the best photos in all the best places on the list.
More Road Trip Scavenger Hunt Game Sets
Don’t have a printer? Check out these ready-made Road Trip Scavenger Hunt games.
Hey Cow! Road Trip Game
Hey Cow may be a new one to you, but it is tons of fun!
Here’s the premise: Each time you see a pack of cows while driving, take turns. One person will open the window and yell “Heeeeey Co-ow!” loud enough so the cows can hear. For every cow that turns around, you get one point!
OK, so it may sound a little ridiculous. And there may be some debate as you count up your points. But , when it comes to road trip games for adults or kids, it’s definitely a fun one to play!
Click on the thumbnail to download the Hey Cow! instruction sheet.
It will open in a separate window as a PDF.
The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book
Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation. The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features fun and engaging journal prompts. plus 100 activities and games to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route.
Road Trip Mad Libs
Road Trip Mad Libs is a classic road trip favorite. Every page of this road trip game contains fill-in the blank stories and no one knows where they will go until passengers shout out their verbs, adjectives, and nouns. For an extra fun time be sure to get a travel or road trip themed game (like Mad Libs on the Road)!
I Spy Road Trip Game
“I spy with my little eye, something yellow.” I Spy is a fun road trip game to keep kids entertained on a long car ride. The rules are simple: taking turns, one person “spies” something and describes it using a very simple idea. Something like “I spy something red” or “I spy something that starts with the letter C.” Then others in the car take turns trying to guess what it is until someone guesses correctly.
When playing I Spy on a road trip make sure to pick things that are always in view. A billboard that zooms by on the highway isn’t ideal. Pick things in the horizon or things in the car, or play while out of the car at pit stops.
Car Game Questions and Answers
Fun for all ages, road trip questions and answers is one of the best road trip car games to play in the car. Write a bunch of questions on pieces of paper or index cards, and take turns picking questions then everyone in the car has to share their answer! For extra fun make sure all the questions are travel related!
Having trouble thinking up questions on your own? Check out our list of the best road trip questions to ask in the car, or pick up a deck of pre-written questions like the Shotgun! – The Hilarious Family Card Game for Road Trips gamedeck!
Would You Rather?
Would You Rather is a great game to play on a road trip. Basically, you come up with two different scenarios and have other passengers choose which they’d rather do.
For kids, it’s a fun game full of funny or gross scenarios. Think, would you rather be friends with Superman or Spiderman? Or would you rather eat a cockroach or a fly?
It’s also a fun road trip game for adults, though in that case the questions might skew a little racier.
Having trouble thinking up would you rather scenarios on your own? Pick up a book of questions like the Would You Rather Challenge Game Vacation Edition!
Looking for even more ideas for road trip games? Look for our lists of:
- 25 Best Road Trip Games for Two
- 55 Road Trip Games for Adults
- Games to Play in a Hotel
- The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book
Pin this post about Road Trip Games to Play in the Car to save for your next road trip!

Road trip car games that will keep your passengers or kids occupied in the car on your next road trip or long car drive. Ideas like road sign bingo, License Plate Game, I Spy, conversation starters, questions and answers, and more. Free printables & suggestions for car-friendly games the whole family can enjoy. Easy road trip games for adults, teens, couples, and kids.
Photo by Zoe Ella Mumford on Unsplash