“Ave Maria” (also known as “The Madonna Mural”) is a mural in Salt Lake City, Utah. Standing at around 44-feet tall, the giant artwork was created by artists El Mac & Retna in November 2009.
The Salt Lake City street art portrays a giant painting of The Virgin Mary with a glowing sacred heart against a colorful backdrop. In a halo around her head are Latin words from the “Hail Mary” prayer. The painting lives above Este Pizzeria and celebrates the neighborhood’s Hispanic influence.
Also pictured here is another Salt Lake City mural: The Elk by Ben Wiemeyer (Gallenson’s, 166 E. 200 South). And these are just some of the many pieces of street art that you can find Salt Lake City, Utah. While you’re in town and looking for Utah roadside attractions, be sure to take a walking tour and also check out the following:
Ave Maria Mural
El Mac & Retna (Miles MacGregor and Marquis Lewis)
Address: 156 E. 200 S., Salt Lake City, UT
Hours: Always Visible
Cost: Free to See