The American Computer & Robotics Museum in Bozeman, Montana (formerly the American Computer Museum) features a comprehensive history of the computer with “4,000 years of humanity and technology on display.” Their mission is to “collect, preserve, interpret, and display the artifacts and history of the information age.”
The museum was founded in May 1990 by Barbara and George Keremedjiev. Originally it was meant to open in Princeton, New Jersey but when the founders moved to Bozemen the location changed.

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You’ll start your tour of the museum at the World’s First Computer or Calculator: a replica of the Antikythera mechanism, the earliest known geared mechanism from 100 B.C. From there you will explore history with mechanic that range from the far out to the familiar.

You’ll continue on to see everything from an Apple 1 Computer (donated & signed by Steve Wozniak), a Minuteman 1 Missile Guidance Computer, analog computers, microcomputers, robots, an Apollo Guidance Computer, and video games.

Some of the most interesting permanent exhibits include Brains & Thinking Machines (exploring Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Automation), The Age of American Optimism – 1939-1969 (which showcases popular science fiction), 1,700 Years of Women in Science & Technology (showcasing the work of pioneering women in technology including Antoine Lavoisier, Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Katherine Johnson, and Sally Ride), and Personal Computers and Video Games.

Whether you’re a computer geek or can’t even work your phone, you’ll be inspired and awed by the evolution of technology at the American Computer & Robotics Museum.
More photos from the American Computer & Robotics Museum in Bozeman, Montana:

Looking for more Montana roadside attractions and tourist traps? While road tripping through the state be sure to also look for Pompeys Pillar National Monument, Chico Hot Springs Resort and Day Spa, Glendisaurus Triceratops Dinosaur Statue, and the L.P. Anderson Tire Co. Muffler Man.
The American Computer & Robotics Museum
Address: 2023 Stadium Dr #1a, Bozeman, MT
Hours: 12pm – 4pm (Closed Mondays and Holidays)
Cost: $7.50 (Adults), $4 (Youth 10-17, Seniors 65+, Students), FREE (Kids 9 and under)
Visit their website for up-to-date hours and pricing.
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