Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana

Pompeys Pillar National Monument is a 150-200 foot sandstone butte (a natural rock formation) that stands overlooking the Yellowstone River in Worden, Montana. As a structure itself it provides an impressive landscape and a nice climb to look out over the scenic view. But the real draw to this Montana attraction is the signature of Captain William Clark (of the Lewis and Clark Expedition) etched into the side of the rock with the date, July 25, 1806, along side it. The explorer left his name when he passed along the Yellowstone on his return journey.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments

Clark carved his signature and the date in the rock and recorded doing so in his journal. There, Clark refereed to the rock formation as Pompeys Tower, probably in reference to Sacagawea’s son, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, whose nickname was “Pomp.”

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments

It was the only known physical evidence left behind of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and can be visited among many checkpoints on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. Pompeys Pillar, a Montana roadside attraction located approximately 25 miles east of Billings, Montana, was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1965 and a National Monument in January 2001.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments

Before trekking up the 200 steps to get to the top of the rock formation, walk along the rendering of the Yellowstone River carved into the walking path to read informational displays and visit the Pompeys Pillar Interpretive Center to learn more about the expedition and the historical legacy of the monument and to visit the gift shop.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments
Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana | William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. | Montana tourist attractions and historical monuments

While road tripping in Montana, be sure to also look for the Giant Bull at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds in Miles City, Glendisaurus in Glendive, and the L.P. Anderson Tire Co. Muffler Man in Billings.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument

Address: 3001 Hwy 312, Worden, MT 59088
Interpretive Center Hours: April 27-September: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily; October: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Cost: $7 per vehicle, 6 passengers or fewer
Visit website for up-to-date information.

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Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana. William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. This Montana tourist attraction and historical monument is a must for your Montana road trip itinerary. 
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Pompeys Pillar National Monument in Montana. William Clark (Lewis & Clark) carved his name and the date of his visit on a rock bluff next to the Yellowstone River. This Montana tourist attraction and historical monument is a must for your Montana road trip itinerary.

Valerie Bromann

Founder & ROad Trip Expert

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book, she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

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Last modified: July 3, 2022
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The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.