Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa (Star Trek Museum)

The Voyage Home History Center in Riverside, Iowa is officially a museum showcasing the town’s history…and future history. But most people would just call it a Star Trek Museum.

Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.

So…why is there a Star Trek Museum in the middle of Iowa? Riverside, Iowa, where the center is located, is known as the “future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk,” a Star Trek legend who helms the USS Enterprise in books, TV shows, and movies.

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

The Iowa town celebrates their self-proclaimed status with a Captain Kirk statue, a plaque, a museum, and an annual TrekFest celebration among a plethora of banners and signs that mark buildings and light poles around town. One bar even has a plaque commemorating where Captain Kirk will be conceived!

Come inside the Voyage Home History Center to check out homemade props, photo ops, and memorabilia that tie this town into the famed sci-fi franchise. You’ll find everything from Starfleet uniforms to packaged toys to autographed photos to spaceship replicas to a command station to a transporter to beam you up (Scotty)! Be sure to check out the Star Trek themed bathroom.

Also be sure to stop outside to see the USS Riverside NCC-1818, an unofficial scale model of a Starfleet starship designed after the Starship Enterprise used in the annual Trek Fest Parade.

Learn more about everything you can see at the Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk in Riverside, Iowa.

Photos of the Voyage Home History Center (Star Trek Museum)

Model of a command station at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Model of a command station at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Starfleet uniforms at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Homemade model of a transporter at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Models of the USS Enterprise at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.
Models of the USS Enterprise at the Voyage Home History Center in Riverside Iowa. A Star Trek Museum in the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame.

Photos of the USS Riverside NCC-1818 (an unofficial replica of the USS Enterprise)

The USS Riverside NCC-1818 - replica of the Star Trek USS Enterprise - in Riverside, Iowa

The USS Riverside NCC-1818 - replica of the Star Trek USS Enterprise - in Riverside, Iowa

The USS Riverside NCC-1818 - replica of the Star Trek USS Enterprise - in Riverside, Iowa

The USS Riverside NCC-1818 - replica of the Star Trek USS Enterprise - in Riverside, Iowa

Voyage Home History Center (Star Trek Museum)

Address: 361 W First St, Riverside, IA 
Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm; Sunday 12pm – 4pm
Cost: Free Admission
Visit the museum’s website for up to date information

Pin this Iowa roadside attraction to save it for later:

The Voyage Home History Center in Riverside, Iowa is a museum showcasing the town’s history…and future history. But most people would just call it a Star Trek Museum. Located in the Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk this roadside attraction is a must see road trip stop.  #StarTrek #IowaRoadsideAttractions #IowaRoadsideAttraction #RoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttraction #RoadTrip #IowaRoadTrip #IowaThingsToDo #IowaRoadTripBucketLists #IowaBucketList #IowaRoadTripIdeas #IowaTravel
The Voyage Home History Center in Riverside, Iowa is a museum showcasing the town’s history…and future history. But most people would just call it a Star Trek Museum. Located in the Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk this roadside attraction is a must see road trip stop. #StarTrek #IowaRoadsideAttractions #IowaRoadsideAttraction #RoadsideAttractions #RoadsideAttraction #RoadTrip #IowaRoadTrip #IowaThingsToDo #IowaRoadTripBucketLists #IowaBucketList #IowaRoadTripIdeas #IowaTravel

Valerie Bromann

Founder & ROad Trip Expert

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book, she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

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Last modified: February 5, 2022
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The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.