Route 66 Emoji

When taking any big road trip you’re going to be looking for the perfect emoji to spice up your social media captions about your trip. So if you’re driving the Mother Road you’re probably looking for the best Route 66 emoji to use!

Is there an official Route 66 emoji? Unfortunately, no. I can only wish there was an emoji of the iconic Route 66 shield icon. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other emojis you can use to represent your trip on Instagram or on Twitter or in texts. Here are some of the ones you can use.

Route 66 Emoji

🛣️ Motorway

While it isn’t THE road, it is a road. The motorway emoji is a good place to start when representing the Mother Road.

🏙️ > 🌴 Cityscape and Palm Tree

Route 66 travels through eight states: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. But it starts in Chicago and ends in Los Angeles. Represent the start point and end point with a cityscape and a palm tree.

🇺🇸 United States Flag

The USA flag is a great emoji to use for any US road trip. Use it here to represent driving over 2,400 miles across the country.

☘️ Shamrock

One of the most iconic cities on the route is Shamrock, Texas. Use the Shamrock emoji to mark your time there!

🐳 Spouting Whale

One of the most iconic Route 66 roadside attractions is the Blue Whale of Catoosa on Route 66 in Oklahoma. This spouting whale is a dead ringer!

🤖 Robot

Use this cute robot emoji to represent Robots on 66 in Oklahoma.

⛽ Fuel Pump

If you’re traveling Route 66 you’re going to need plenty of gas. Use this fuel pump to symbolize those fueling stops, or the World’s Tallest Gas Pump in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

🧳 Luggage

You can’t take a road trip without road trip luggage! And for this multi-day, cross-state adventure, you’re going to need a lot of bags.

🏨 Hotel

There are plenty of iconic hotels and motels on Route 66. Use the hotel emoji to mark your stay!

🛎️ Bellhop Bell

The bellhop bell is another emoji to represent a roadside motel.

🚗 🚘 🚙 🏍️Automobile, Oncoming Automobile, Sport Utility Vehicle, and motorcycle

You can’t take a road trip without a car! Or motorcycle. Use any of the vehicle emojis to show how you are getting where you’re going.

Want more? Check out a full list of road trip emoji.

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When taking any big road trip you're going to be looking for the perfect emoji to spice up your social media captions about your trip. So if you're driving the Mother Road you're probably looking for the best Route 66 emoji to use to represent your trip on Instagram or on Twitter or in texts. Here are some of the best Route 66 emoji you can use for your road trip.  #Emoji #Route66 #Route66Emoji #Route66RoadTrip #RoadTrip #RoadTripPlanning
When taking any big road trip you're going to be looking for the perfect emoji to spice up your social media captions about your trip. So if you're driving the Mother Road you're probably looking for the best Route 66 emoji to use to represent your trip on Instagram or on Twitter or in texts. Here are some of the best Route 66 emoji you can use for your road trip. #Emoji #Route66 #Route66Emoji #Route66RoadTrip #RoadTrip #RoadTripPlanning

Photo by Denis Cherkashin on Unsplash

Valerie Bromann

Founder & ROad Trip Expert

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book, she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

Follow Valerie & Silly America

Last modified: April 6, 2022

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