There’s a castle in Wisconsin revered by locals due to its stately state and sought out from distinguished travelers from near and far. You guessed it, this Wisconsin tourist attraction can only be the one and only Mars Cheese Castle.

This cheesy landmark is a must-stop destination for anyone road tripping I-94 in Wisconsin. The specialty food shop was founded in 1947 by Mario Ventura, Sr.

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Outside you’ll find a castle-like building that beckons travelers to stop. Inside you’ll find hundreds of varieties of cheese to nibble on along with wines, sausages, snacks, sweets, and more.

Besides the cheese shop you’ll find a deli, a bakery, and all the Wisconsin souvenirs you can imagine. Looking for a magnet? Check. A shot glass? Check. A cheese hat? Check. Local delicacies like Kringles and Cow Pies? Of course!

While this might just be Wisconsin’s most famous castle, it didn’t always look so castle-like. The first location burned down in 1957. The business was then rebuilt and for decades the building was basically just a building with a couple of towers tacked on the roof (and a giant fiberglass mouse) for good measure.

In 2011 Mars Cheese Castle was forced to close up that shop after being usurped by a project that was to widen Interstate 94. The business took that opportunity to come back bigger, better, and more castle-like than ever. The new palace towers above its former self, with towers, battlements, a barbican, a drawbridge-like entrance, and “Mars Cheese Castle” written across the facade in old-timey letters.
While the building has been rebuilt, their classic, 80-foot tall, towering sign remains, luring tourists from the nearby highway. It’s hard to miss this stop on an I-94 road trip and you won’t want to miss it!

Love Wisconsin cheese shops? Look out for two others I love: Mousehouse Cheesehaus in Windsor, Wisconsin and Ehlenbach’s Cheese Chalet in DeForest, Wisconsin.

Mars Cheese Castle
Address: 2800 W Frontage Rd, Kenosha, WI
Hours: 9am – 7pm, daily
Cost: Free to See, Cheese will cost extra!
Visit the shop’s website for up-to-date information.
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