Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota

Color, community…cows. If you’re looking for murals in Bismarck, North Dakota, you will find them at Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley.

Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota

Bismarck Art Alley is an actual alley in downtown Bismarck, North Dakota that features commissioned street art from a multitude local artists. The project brings life to what otherwise would be a boring, drab, alley and celebrates North Dakota, as each artist was selected to pay tribute to the state through paints.

Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota

Alley 5.5 is located between fifth and sixth streets, halfway between Broadway and Main Avenues. The Bismarck Art Alley Program was created as a partnership between the Dakota West Arts Council, the Leadership Bismarck Mandan Project Team and the community of Bismarck in 2016. It was founded to foster the creation of public art around the city and connect the community through art.

These are the artists who have contributed work to the project: Erika Gallaway, Mitch Sander, Nicole Gagner, Andrea Ficek, Michael Renner, Grant Hicks, Bailey White, Paul Noot, Bismarck High School, Melissa Gordon, Molly McLain, Whitney Nielsen, Elizabeth White, Anne Dramko, Kim Olson, Mahalia Mees, Maddie Hanson, Bryan Kroh, Claire Wiseman, Angela Hruby, and Dennis Houle.

Mural created by a dozen art students at Bismarck High School. Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Mural created by a dozen art students at Bismarck High School.
Detail of a rainbow-covered rubber duck. Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Detail of a rainbow-covered rubber duck.
Portrait of Sitting Bull in the style of Warhol by artist Melissa Gordon. Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Portrait of Sitting Bull in the style of Warhol by artist Melissa Gordon.
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Map of the 53 North Dakota Counties by Paul Noot, an art teacher at Bismarck High School. Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Map of the 53 North Dakota Counties by Paul Noot, an art teacher at Bismarck High School.
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
A wall of faces by artist Bailey White. Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
A wall of faces by artist Bailey White.
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Mahalia Mees cow meets Wizard of Oz "Going Home" mural declares, "You had the power all along my dear..." Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota
Mahalia Mees cow meets Wizard of Oz “Going Home” mural declares, “You had the power all along my dear…”
Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley in North Dakota - Street art and Murals in Bismarck, North Dakota

Looking for more tourist attractions in North Dakota? Be sure to also check out World’s Largest Sandhill Crane in Steele, Salem Sue, the World’s Largest Buffalo in Jamestown, and the Fargo Mario Wall.

Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley

Address: 117 N 5th St, Bismarck, ND 58501
Hours: Open 24 hours
Cost: Free to See

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Color, community…cows. If you're looking for murals in Bismarck, North Dakota, you will find colorful street art at Alley 5.5: Bismarck Art Alley. Add this travel destination to your North Dakota road trip bucket list to visit on a vacation or road trip. #NorthDakotaRoadsideAttractions #NorthDakotaRoadsideAttraction #NorthDakotaRoadTrip #NorthDakotaRoadTripBucketLists #NorthDakotaBucketList #ThingsToDoInNorthDakota

Valerie Bromann

Founder & ROad Trip Expert

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book, she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

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Last modified: July 3, 2020
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